Small GroupsBible Groups
One of the best ways to grow is to meet with other believers and share your story. We do this on a weekly basis at a convenient time for you. It is fun and informal and a great opportunity to invite a friend. Get in touch and let's grow together!
New Creation Group
This group is getting down to the basics. We are learning the "12 Things Every Christian Should Know". We would love to have you and a friend join us weekly at your convenience to learn in an interesting and real way how God's Word will help you in your daily life.
Please contact us to set up a time and place to meet. We are eagerly ready to help and serve you and answer any questions you have about life and having it all make sense.
The Story
This is a relaxed small group meeting in a home or coffee shop where we are informally talking-story. We want to hear your story and what are your ups and downs each week. We care and hope to find in the sharing of each other's burdens that the load will be lighter. Then our leader will draw from the life of Christ as we study the book of Mark. This is a sixteen week course with lots of fun and time to just kick back and relax.
Please feel free to contact us and jump in any time. The Story is also a great way to learn about the most central figure of all history - the Lord Jesus Christ and how His-story wil make your story a new creation. Text or call Chris today at 808-542-9177 or email at